House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says Senate Republicans need to ensure there will be a fair impeachment trial

The comment came as the Republican and Democratic Senate leaders pushed forward with their cases for the trial process.
"Pelosi gives us the most unfair trial in the history of the U.S. Congress, and now she is crying for fairness in the Senate, and breaking all rules while doing so," Trump tweeted Monday morning. "She lost Congress once, she will do it again!"
Trump tweeted shortly after Pelosi, D-Calif., posted that the House "cannot choose our impeachment managers until we know what sort of trial the Senate will conduct."
"President Trump blocked his own witnesses and documents from the House, and from the American people, on phony complaints about the House process," Pelosi tweeted. "What is his excuse now?"
This is malarkey and has nothing to do with why she hasn’t chosen her impeachment managers. Her delay is all about trying to give Schumer leverage with McConnell to get a long trial with witnesses in order to harm Trump as much as possible. Also she’s hoping a long Senate trial would help people forget her own unfair star-chamber House process and perhaps even add legitimacy to it.
Her excuses didn’t go over well with many on Twitter:
