[Erin Burnett] New comment on Erin Burnett: Trump has a pattern of lying about w....

Erin Burnett has left a new comment on your post "Erin Burnett: Trump has a pattern of lying about w...":

June: Remains, no longer returning

Trump had a real diplomatic success to boast about in 2018. North Korea had returned the remains of some of the American soldiers who were killed in the Korean War.
In 2019, as the diplomacy soured, North Korea ceased cooperating. Trump's solution: lie that North Korea was still cooperating, thus giving false hope to hundreds of American families.
"We've had, as you know, the remains of the heroes, our great heroes from many years ago -- that's coming back, and coming back as they find them, as they find the sites and the graves, and they're sending them back," he told reporters on June 25, just five days before he met with dictator Kim Jong Un at the Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ).
We thought at first that it was possible Trump just didn't know what was going on, since the Pentagon had only announced the suspension of the program in May. But, in mid-June, Trump was told by an interviewer that "the remains have stopped coming back."
He responded, "But they will be. Look, we've gotten remains back. That will start up again." He then continued speaking as if it had not stopped at all.

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Posted by Erin Burnett to Erin Burnett at January 18, 2020 at 7:03 AM
