[Corona Virus] New comment on Sinabi ni Trump na ang bakuna ng coronavirus na du....

Erin Burnett has left a new comment on your post "Sinabi ni Trump na ang bakuna ng coronavirus na du...":

Presidents lead in fearful times

Trump's main aim Wednesday seemed to be to minimize the threat. He went out of his way to compare the novel coronavirus to the seasonal flu -- and marveled that so many Americans succumb to that ailment each year.

Presidents get judged on their handling of national crises. And Trump's appearance left many questions unanswered. Among them is whether he will be guided by science or politics in fighting the virus. Another is whether he has the capacity to rally the nation behind him if things take a turn for the worse. It's not a given that Trump has the self-discipline to manage the emergency and avoid counterproductive political grandstanding.
The President can be sure of staunch support from his base whatever happens, so any sense that a botched response could do for his presidency what the disastrous Hurricane Katrina relief effort did for George W. Bush may not materialize.

The imprecision of Trump's language Wednesday did not exactly inspire confidence, when he was asked if Americans should brace for a severe coronavirus outbreak.

"I don't think it is inevitable. I think we are doing a really good job. There is a chance it could get worse. There is a chance if could get fairly, substantially worse. Nothing is inevitable," the President said in a vague summary of scenarios.

He also preferred to focus on the cases of small numbers of Americans repatriated from Japan and China who developed the virus and are in quarantine, rather than the specter of a possible large-scale US epidemic that his officials fear.

"We're going to be pretty soon at only five people. We could be at just one or two people over the next short period of time," Trump said.

Yet health experts have said it is all but certain the coronavirus will end up being transmitted within the US given its rapid spread around Asia and Europe and across the world.

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Posted by Erin Burnett to Corona Virus at February 27, 2020 at 3:55 AM
