[ANT] New comment on The View co-host Joy Behar says Trump is 'quiverin....

Erin Burnett has left a new comment on your post "The View co-host Joy Behar says Trump is 'quiverin...":


Sanders' support in his home state was deep and broad. He dominated among his core groups, earning 68% of those 18-29 and "very" liberals alike, as well as nearly six in 10 independents. But Sanders also edged over Biden 39-28% among moderates and conservatives in the state. In a further demonstration of his home-state advantage, 46% of Vermont voters saw Sanders as the candidate best able to defeat Trump, the most in states with exit polls Tuesday.

Vermont stood in its support for a government-run single-payer health care system, backed by a broad 73%. About six in 10 in this group voted for Sanders, crowding out support for Warren, the other remaining candidate who'd campaigned for a single-payer system. (Warren and Biden won just 14% in this group alike.) On the flip side, Biden won 42% of voters who oppose a single-payer system.

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Posted by Erin Burnett to ANT at March 7, 2020 at 5:44 PM
